
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

Mango mayhem...

Remember those mangos I wrote about....well it has started.

Mad chicken disease

We are worried about mad chicken disease here in Chinandega...

Eunice and Gioconda were cold-loungin it on this seat taken from somebody's vehicle. Pretty comfy, pretty comfy....

martes, 28 de abril de 2009


These cows help to keep the grass neat and trim here at this cemetary en El Realejo.
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My portable DVD player is having problems. So I took it to a friend's shop. His name is Angel. Believe it or not, you can get almost anything fixed here. His shop may not be too convincing but I hope to have the DVD player back by tomorrow, running and humming as normal. Nice, huh?

Nicaraguan Sign Language Memorial reports

Here is an interesting Sign Language Memorial report. If you want to download it, click HERE.

Aquí está un informe interesante de la Conmemoración en Lenguaje de Señas. Para bajarlo, pinche AQUÍ.

Enjoy it y que lo disfruten....

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Good night everybody.

I am tired of horsing around with this so I am going to bed....
Our Nicaragua Sign Language congregation had a decent turnout for the special talk too. We had a total of 66 present, 24 of which were deaf students. It was a nice meeting! Antonio D'Cruz came from Masaya to give the talk.

This is the second public meeting that has been held in English in Chinandega. Dave, serving from Australia with his wife, gave the special talk this past Sunday. There were 69 present at the meeting!!!
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domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

You like meet me?

This little girl lives in Mocorón, Chinandega in Nicaragua. She asked me to take her picture so I did. Enjoy!!!

Nigerians in Nicaragua

Remember that RostiPollo supper? We had the privilege of sharing it with three friends from Nigeria. Sandy, Andrew and Makeda. They are visiting Chinandega for the moment and it has been really nice getting to know them. Sandy and Andrew even play basketball!

(They really aren't from Nigeria. However, several local friends refuse to believe otherwise.)

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