
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

Dentist in Nicaragua<...>Dentista en Nicaragua

How would you feel about going to a dentist in Nicaragua? 'Tranquilo Bobby, tranquilo.' This dentist office was actually the best dentist experience I have ever had...anywhere. Very friendly, very professional, very clean...modern equipment and much better prices than in the U.S. For example, in Nicaragua a resin filling (white) can cost between C$250 - C$500 ($12.50 - $25.00). Cleaning can cost between C$150 - C$300 ($7.50 - $15.00). A root canal can cost between C$1000 - C$2000 ($50.00 - $100.00). I liked it so much I am going back on Monday!

¿Te gustaría ir a un dentista en Nicaragua? 'Tranquilo Bobby, tranquilo.' En esta oficina de dentista tuve la mejor experiencia de toda mi vida. Muy amistosos, muy profesionales, muy limpios...equipos modernos y precios mucho mejores que en EEUU. Por ejemplo, en Nicaragua una calza de resina blanca puede costar C$250 - C$500 ($12.50 - $25.00). Una limpieza puede costar C$150 - C$300 ($7.50 - $15.00). Una endodoncia puede costar C$1000 - C$2000 ($50.00 - $100.00). A mi me gustó tanto que voy a volver el lunes!!!!
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El Chele

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11 comentarios:

  1. I love the price thing.... I have to get a crown done.... dragging my feet of course... waiting to get back to the states and then have the tooth go AWAL on me while there, then have to pay the rediculous prices there.... No seriously I hope to get it done in the next few weeks..... Do they give you Novacaine there ... my understanding is that here in Ecuador you have to ask for it! UGH!

  2. Hey Bill. The novacaine (or whatever they use now) was one of the best parts of the whole experience. I didn't even feel the needle enter and he did a precision, pin point job, only numbing a lollipop size part of my mouth. I asked him about it and he said he only deadened the nerve on the teeth he was working on. I left the office and went and had a coffee!!!
    Come on up to the English convention, take care of your teeth and we will take care of you as you heal!!!

  3. Hi I really need a root canal and i really liked your info on ur dentist!Is there anyway you can give me his name n number aswell?Im going soon but i dont know who to go to.Thank you!

    1. Km. 45, Carretera a Managua
      2 c. al sur, contiguo a la iglesia

      Check out the comments below...

  4. hola me gustaria saber si ustedes ofrecen los veneers y cuanto cuesta, porfavor responder lo mas pronto possible... me email es y el de hotmail es:

  5. WHere is the Dentist located?

    1. Km. 45, Carretera a Managua
      2 c. al sur, contiguo a la iglesia

  6. From Shelina below:

    I recently went to the same office and had the same team. They don't do phone reservations or anything so no point getting their phone number. The best thing to do is show up at 8 am and get in line. Then get the earliest appointment you can for that day or make an appointment. I was so pleased with the work and visit that I will be going back next Wednesday.

  7. Thanks for the information Shelina. We look forward to seeing you soon!


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