
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

Old Coke bottle

I had a nice icey Coca-Cola at Jimmy Three Fingers in Granada, Nicaragua.When you travel to Nicaragua you will notice that Nicaragua still has the old glass coke bottles.  Who knows when this one was made...but I definitely prefer Coke, Pepsi or whatever from a glass bottle than a can.  It just tastes better!

Me bebí una Coca-Cola bien helada en Jimmy Three Fingers en Granada, Nicaragua.  Cuando haces un viaje a Nicaragua notarás que Nicaragua todavía conserva las viejas botellas de vidrio.  Quien sabe cuando se hizo esta botella...pero yo prefiero, por mucho, una Coca, Pepsi o lo que sea de una botella de vidrio que una en lata.  Simplemente sabe mejor!!!
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El Chele

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