
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

Raining cats and dogs


Chinandega does not have the best residual water system as you can see after this strong 20 minute rain....good thing is that it cleans the streets. I pity those who live downstream (wherever that is).
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domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

Sweet orange and cream bliss

It's back!!!! Another Eskimo flavor of the month (or whatever lapse of time they decide). Think poor man's Dreamsicle and you are in the right neighborhood with this colorful guy. It's frozen, creamy experience can be had for a mere C$5 ($0.25). Ummm ummmm

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

Storm on it's way....

It's the rainy season and sometimes the storms sneak up with a beautiful vengeance.
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Off the beaten path....

I won't say it's far, but I had to grease the wagon twice before I hit the main road. It was worth it thought cause these trees are really neat!!! They are perfectly aligned in their own twisted way. Please click on the pictures. They look even better enlarged. By the way, this road is near 4 Corners, Pellizco, Chinandega.
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The other side of Corinto

I though I should post this too cause it's a great view from Corinto towards San Cristobal volcano.
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miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

A deer hogging the spotlight

In someone's backyard I found this deer, 2 pigs and a rooster living in sublime harmony. I thought some of you might want to say hi!


Not a lot to say about this. I will say that even the best countries in the world passed through periods of heavy outhouse usage. Some places in town still have these...and almost everybody in the countryside uses these. Not a pleasantry but gets the job done. For a full history on outhouses, go to

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

Deaf and blind person - how to communicate?

Something I saw this afternoon impressed me quite a bit. Imagine a person who is deaf and blind. How would you communicate with him or her? It is possible using sign language and touch. This man from Managua is named Marvin. The other young fellow teaching him is named Eugine, who is from Bluefields, Nicaragua.

Please note the pictures and the video.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Telica a San Isidro and nostalgia.

About a year ago we went to Matagalpa vía the road between Telica and San Isidro (it's close to León). It was horrendous!!! So bad that we decided to go down to Managua and back up to Chinandega on the way back, instead of punishing the car and ourselves on that horrendous road.

Well, two friends of ours got married on Saturday so off to Matagalpa again....Dave Moore told me that the road was a lot better now (someone had told him). I asked and asked and asked and could not find good up to date information. So, this is for all of you who may travel between León, Chinandega and Estelí, Ocotal or Matagalpa.

Please do feel free to use the road. It is sooooo much better now. Let me break it down for you:

The road is about 100 km. I am describing things from West to East.
Telica (0 km) to El Jicaral (54 km) - great - smooth as glass.
El Jicaral (54 km) to Finca San Augustín (64 km) - acceptable. A bit rough and a lot of gravel but they are working on it!!! So most of the potholes have been taken out....
Finca San Augustín (64 km)to Puente Las Mangas (93 km) - great - smooth as glass.
The last 7 km aren't bad - it's basically the good part of the old road. Fortunately they are working on it too.

This 100 km road should be like new by Feb 2010, according to my sources. Makes going to that side of the country a lot more appealing now!!! Total time was 90 minutes.

I must admit that I got nostalgic when I starting seeing the wonderful mountains in the Estelí, Sébaco, Matagalpa area. I lived there three years some time back in Matagalpa and another two years even farther back in Estelí. You know that nostalgic feeling that gives you a real hollow spot in your stomach - and it is dullfully painful, but you don't stop thinking about it because you kind of like the dull pain. That's nostalgia, I guess. And I have it.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

Seafood in Corinto, Nicaragua (click to enlarge)


Here's some local dishes, all sampled by me!!!! Yummy!!!! The first one is a fried sea bass cut of fish covered in an onion, green and red pepper and cream sauce....

The second is breaded lobster....

The third is a whole Red Snapper fried up deliciously....

Each of these dishes is served with tostones (made from green fried plantains - "poor man's french fries" as I like to call them, rice and some rickety salad. Why eat rice when we've got this seafood? That's what I'm talking about....
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jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Freeholy cleaning


Check out these beans - before and after. How did they get so clean? Well, just before planting season, the daily trade winds take care of that. Check out the video. Don't forget to click on the beans if you want to see them close up...and please forgive my dirty hands!
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Here is an example of excellent entrepreneurship in a Managua barrio. Please - if you need any shoe repairs, just go to the address listed here. If it doesn't work, just click on any of the ads in this blog. Ha ha ha ha
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martes, 2 de junio de 2009

Free ride

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Twisted Stop Sign


Just a few feet from our front door stands this relic. I have often pondered, asking myself how that thing got twisted the way it is. Was it a freak Twister? Or a twisting Freak? Only heaven and one or two others know....
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