
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Paso Caballos, Corinto

Here's another popular spot for those who like to swim in the ocean. It is dangerous though because of undercurrents and rocks.

Aquí está otro punto popular para los que les gusta bañarse. Es algo peligroso, sin embargo, por los corrientes y piedras.
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Chillin with his boots/Tranquilo con sus botas....

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IHOP - GHOP ????

I was interested in eating here at GHOP (Camino del Oriente, Managua) cause it looked so much like my favorite International House of Pancakes (IHOP) there in the good ol' USA. Judging from the menu and the place mats, George's House of Pancakes must have a former IHOP employee as entrepreneur. It is a copy down to the dots on the 'i's and the crosses on the 't's. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the food. It seemed as if they were still working out the bugs. Coffee had a decent flavor but also had some grease on top of it. Pancakes were a little too laden with sodium bicarbonate. The sausage links were good but the hash-browns were grocery store quality and the eggs were...well a little too poached. It is a good idea but falls short, unfortunately. I give this restaurant 6 months or less in the cruel food world of Managua.

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

Quick hands making a hammock/manos rápidas haciendo una hamaca

This woman works from her home in El Comején, Masaya, Nicaragua.

Esta mujer trabaja de su casa en El Comején, Masaya, Nicaragua.

Indian dog/perro indio

Here's an indian dog, just chilling. Remember the difference between and indian dog and a normal one? Do a search on this blog and you will find out.

Aquí está un perro índio, descansando. ¿Recordá la diferencia entre un perro índio y un normal? Hacé una búsqueda aquí y encontrarás la respuesta.
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jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Hog ride/chancho de viaje


Some guys put a hog into a little motorized vehicle, much to the pig's dismay. 

Unos hombres metieron este chancho al motociclo, cosa que no le pareció al chancho.  


These flowers are planted this time of year in El Comején, Masaya because of their traditional use in Nicaragua on All Saint's Day. They are cut and bound and sold to families who are looking for flowers to decorate the tombs of their loved ones.  Wikipedia says the following:

Estas flores se siembran en esta época en El Comején, Masaya debido a su uso típico en Nicaragua para el Día de los Muertos. Se cortan y se juntan y luego son vendidas a familias quienes las buscan para decorar las tumbas de sus seres queridos. 

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martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

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Nicaragua's painted desert/Desierto pintado de Nicaragua

Who would thought that you could find a scene like this on the highway between Granada and Nandaime? Here it is. A breathtaking scene...called El Hormigón. It's just a block off of the main highway, close to Caña de Castilla. Note how a man sizes up to it's majesty!!!

¿Quien hubiera pensado que es posible encontrar un vistazo como este sobre la carretera de Granada-Nandaime? Aquí está. llama El Hormigón. Se ubica cerca de Caña de Castilla, una cuadra fuera de la carretera. ¡¡¡Mirá cómo se mide un hombre al lado de su majestuosidad!!!
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domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

Rodrigo the racoon/Rodrigo el mapachín

This little guy lives in Malacatoya, Granada in Nicaragua. He has been raised on loving cat's milk since his birth. Friendly as can be and nice to play with! His name is Rodrigo.

Este amiguito vive en Malacatoya, Granada en Nicaragua. He sido criado con leche de gata desde su nacimiento. Es bien amistoso y le gusta jugar!!! Se llama Rodrigo.
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viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

Entrance to coffee plantation/entrada a hacienda de café

Out in the backwoods of Mombacho, Granada, we came across this beautiful entrance to a coffee plantation. Note the palm trees perfectly aligned, paving the way up to the main house and work area. Note also the huge Ceiba tree also greeting each passerby. Breathtaking!

En la base de la selva nubosa de Mombacho, Granada, encontramos entra entrada bella que lleva a una hacienda de café. Notá las palmas, alineadas en perfección, señalando el camino a la casa principal y zona de trabajo. También notá el arbol gigantesco ceiba que también da la bienvenida. Muy inspirador!
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jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Mombacho Granada

Check out this cool house at the base of the Mombacho volcano and cloud forest. Nice!

Mira esta casa a la base del volcán y bosque nuboso Mombacho. Bonita!!
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Yellow snake/Barba amarilla

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We found this snake near Mombacho, Granada. He has apparently been eating very well. Notice the beautiful design and color. Locally, he was know as yellow beard, although I have not been able to investigate his name in English.

Encontramos esta culebra cerca de Mombacho, Granada. Por lo vista ha estado comiendo bien. Nota el diseño de su piel y su color. Por aquí la llaman barba amarilla.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

Little friends/Amiguitas


Here's some little friends of ours at the edge of Lake Cocibolca in Granada, Nicaragua.

Aquí están algunas amiguitas nuestras a la orilla del Lago Cocibolca en Granada, Nicaragua.
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Entertainment en La Calzada/Entretenimiento en La Calzada

Pizzeria Don Luca

We went to the Pizzeria Don Luca, on the La Calzada street in Granada, Nicaragua with Luis and Kelly Ampie. As you can see, Don Luca has an artisan wood burning oven to cook his pizzas in. The first and second pizzas were umm umm delicious! The one pictured cost C$150 ($7.50). Service was great as well! Definitely a place to go again....

Visitamos a la Pizzería Don Luca, en la calle La Calzada en Granada, Nicaragua con Luis y Kelly Ampie. Como se aprecia, Don Luca tiene un horno de leña en que hornea las pizza. La primera y la segunda pizza eran deliciosas! Esta que se mira costó C$150 ($7.50). El servicio también era bueno. A ha dicho!!!!
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jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009


This is a popular toy this time of year in Nicaragua - the famous and time proved spinning top.

Este es un juguete muy popular en esta temporada en Nicaragua - el famoso trompo.


Malacatoya roads/caminos de Malacatoya


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We were on this "hog" all week long, weaving in and out of the potholes on the road to Malacatoya, Granada.

Nos montamos esta 'bestia' toda la semana, así logrando esquivar los baches en el camino hacia Malacatoya, Granada.

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