Te dejo unos videos tomados del mismo lugar.
Here are some quick videos of the same place.
martes, 23 de agosto de 2011
Reserva Natural Chocoyero - El Brujo
Hay una reserva natural muy bonito ubicado unos 15 km. del pueblo de Ticuantepe, Nicaragua. Hace falta un vehículo 4x4 para llegar por este camino (los últimos 7 km.) pero vale la pena. (Otro posible opción es pagar un mototaxi desde Ticuantepe. Quizá te cueste como C$80 (casi $4 por persona). Las vistas en camino son bonitas pero el destino es lo mejor.
Hay que ir con un guía - cobran C$100 ($4.45) + $50 ($2.23) por persona. Te pueden llevar por cualquiera de los tres senderos principales (y desvios se te gusta). En la distancia, o de cerca, es probable que escuches y mires diferentes monos. Hay todo tipo de vegetación y animalitos también. ¡Es impresionante!
Para su comodidad, hay una pequeña pulpería cerca de la entrada y hay baños públicos. Es una excelente opción de naturaleza para la mitad de un día. Si deseas, podés acampar en el parque también o alquilar una de las cabañas.
Para datos actualizados, ve http://www.chocoyero.com/
¡Decíles que te mandó El Chele!
There is a very beautiful nature reserve located about 15 km. from Ticuantepe, Nicaragua. The road is not good for the last 7 km. and you need a 4x4 vehicle to get to the reserve. It's worth it! (Another option is to pay a motortaxi from Ticuantepe to the reserve. Perhaps it will cost about C$80 (about $4 per person). The views on the way are really noteworthy but the destination is the highlight of this trip.
You must go with a guide - they charge C$100 ($4.45) + $50 ($2.23) per person. They will take you on any of the three main trails (and side trips as well). Far off, or sometimes nearby, you will most likely here and see different monkeys that call El Chocoyero their home. There are all types of vegetation and little animals as well. It really is breathtaking!
For your convenience, there is a small store as you arrive as well as public restrooms. This is an excellent option for a half-day nature getaway. If you would like to spend the night, you can camp or rent one of the cabins.
For up to date information, go to http://www.chocoyero.com/.
Tell them El Chele sent you!
Hay que ir con un guía - cobran C$100 ($4.45) + $50 ($2.23) por persona. Te pueden llevar por cualquiera de los tres senderos principales (y desvios se te gusta). En la distancia, o de cerca, es probable que escuches y mires diferentes monos. Hay todo tipo de vegetación y animalitos también. ¡Es impresionante!
Para su comodidad, hay una pequeña pulpería cerca de la entrada y hay baños públicos. Es una excelente opción de naturaleza para la mitad de un día. Si deseas, podés acampar en el parque también o alquilar una de las cabañas.
Para datos actualizados, ve http://www.chocoyero.com/
¡Decíles que te mandó El Chele!
There is a very beautiful nature reserve located about 15 km. from Ticuantepe, Nicaragua. The road is not good for the last 7 km. and you need a 4x4 vehicle to get to the reserve. It's worth it! (Another option is to pay a motortaxi from Ticuantepe to the reserve. Perhaps it will cost about C$80 (about $4 per person). The views on the way are really noteworthy but the destination is the highlight of this trip.
You must go with a guide - they charge C$100 ($4.45) + $50 ($2.23) per person. They will take you on any of the three main trails (and side trips as well). Far off, or sometimes nearby, you will most likely here and see different monkeys that call El Chocoyero their home. There are all types of vegetation and little animals as well. It really is breathtaking!
For your convenience, there is a small store as you arrive as well as public restrooms. This is an excellent option for a half-day nature getaway. If you would like to spend the night, you can camp or rent one of the cabins.
For up to date information, go to http://www.chocoyero.com/.
Tell them El Chele sent you!
sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011
Da Raquelle Pizzería e Trattoría
The Ticuantepe, Nicaragua area has a new offering in midst of its already large variety of eateries. Just off the highway between Managua and Masaya, at km. 14, you'll find Da Raquelle, a small Italian restaurant. Their specialty appears to be pizza, from the looks of the menu. We opted for pasta: rigatoni ai quattro formaggi (tube pasta with 4 cheese) ($9.00) y spaghetti all'amatriciana (a bacon, onion, garlic, pepper and tomato sauce) ($8.00). As we waited, there were wonderful smells emanating from the kitchen. And, I must add, the food was quite tasty with decent portions.
For the location and setting, things seemed a bit overpriced. The food was good and the service was satisfactory. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 7. Try it out and let me know what you think!
En la zona de Ticuantepe, Nicaragua, hay una nueva oferta en la ya gran variedad de lugares para comer. Saliendo de la carretera a Masaya, en el km. 14, encontrarás Da Raquelle, un íntimo restaurante italiano. Por lo visto, su especialidad es la pizza. Nosotros optamos por la pasta: rigatoni ai quattro formaggi (pasta tubo con 4 quesos) ($9.00) y spaghetti all'amatriciana (una salsa de tocino, cebolla, ajo, chile y tomate) ($8.00). Mientras esperábamos, salían olores maravillosos de la cocina. Y, debe admitir, la comida era bien sabrosa con porciones decentes.
Por la ubicación y arreglo, los precios parecen un poco altos. La comida está buena y el servicio es aceptable. De 1 a 10, le doy un 7. ¡Probálo y me decís qué te parece!
Km 14 Carretera a Ticuantepe
De la rotonda 200 mts. al Sur
(505) 2279 6535
miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011
\¸. Nicatourism .¸
/ \ Visitá www.nicatourism.com
\¸. Nicatourism .¸
/ \ Visitá www.nicatourism.com
martes, 16 de agosto de 2011
La Flor Wildlife Reserve
Photos courtesy of:
Beaverton, OR, USA, June 14, 2011 -- After a successful first three years, SEEtheWILD is expanding its wildlife conservation travel offerings to include important new sea turtle conservation sites in Nicaragua and El Salvador. To celebrate this expansion, the non-profit conservation trip planning organization is offering travelers a chance to win a free sea turtle tour to Nicaragua.
Nicaragua is home to major nesting beaches for three species of turtles, including the La Flor Wildlife Refuge, one of the few beaches in the world where thousands of olive ridley turtles nest at one time. SEEtheWILD is working with leading ecotourism operators Wildland Adventures, Reefs to Rockies, and the Mesoamerican Ecotourism Alliance to offer wildlife adventures to this Central American paradise that benefit the turtle conservation efforts of Paso Pacifico. New subscribers to SEEtheWILD’s monthly e-newsletter will be entered to win our Nicaragua Wildlife Sweepstakes in 2012.
El Salvador has made great strides over the past two years in protecting its sea turtles. Turtle researchers recently discovered that Jiquilisco Bay is one of the most important nesting areas for the world’s most endangered turtle population, the Eastern Pacific Hawksbill. SEE Turtles and the Mesoamerican Ecotourism Alliance are offering an El Salvador Sea Turtle Adventure led by ocean explorer Fabien Cousteau. This tour will raise money for Cousteau’s new organization, Plant A Fish, to support local hawksbill conservation efforts.
About SEEtheWILD
El Salvador has made great strides over the past two years in protecting its sea turtles. Turtle researchers recently discovered that Jiquilisco Bay is one of the most important nesting areas for the world’s most endangered turtle population, the Eastern Pacific Hawksbill. SEE Turtles and the Mesoamerican Ecotourism Alliance are offering an El Salvador Sea Turtle Adventure led by ocean explorer Fabien Cousteau. This tour will raise money for Cousteau’s new organization, Plant A Fish, to support local hawksbill conservation efforts.
About SEEtheWILD
SEEtheWILD is a non-profit conservation tourism project that connects people with community-based wildlife conservation projects. Going beyond the ecotourism mantra of "leave only footprints," SEEtheWILD suggests that tourists can make a positive impact by engaging in conservation tourism initiatives. To date, the project has generated $250,000 for conservation and local communities and covered more than 1,000 volunteer shifts. SEEtheWILD is an Ocean Foundation project.
Contact :
Brad Nahill
Co-Founder & Director
7227 SW Linette Way
Beaverton OR 97007
Contact :
Brad Nahill
Co-Founder & Director
7227 SW Linette Way
Beaverton OR 97007
lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011
Good Samaritan - Un Buen Samaritano
I saw this man trying to make his way "upstream" against a horrendously busy street in Chinandega. There were Nicaraguan school boys and girls, cars, taxis, tricycles, etc. and this poor fellow was going against the traffic. It was scary!!!
Later, an good Samaritan appeared to help the man. That was nice!!!
Later, an good Samaritan appeared to help the man. That was nice!!!
Walmart expands in Nicaragua
Walmart of Central America recently opened the first of 5 new hibrid stores, called Maxi Pali, combining a warehouse concept with discount grocery store prices. It includes the traditional Pali fare such as canned goods, fresh meat, fruits and vegetables and adds clothing, electronics, camping, hardware, banking (there is a Banpro branch inside the store) a a few other low key conveniences. The air conditioned store also has public restrooms and a decent effort to keep them clean. The first store is in León, Nicaragua. The company promises the four other Maxi Palí stores in Nicaragua before the end of the year 2011 in Rivas, Masaya, Estelí and Managua.
Walmart de Centroamérica inauguró recientemente la primera de 5 nuevas tiendas con el concepto combinado de una bodega y un supermercado con precios bajos. Incluye lo acostumbrado de Palí como abarrotes, carne, fruta y verduras y agrega ropa, electrodomésticos, equipo de 'camping', artículos ferreteros, y un banco (Banpro tiene una sucursal dentro de la tienda) y una que otra conveniencia. Hay buen aire acondicionado y baños para el público. Al parecer están haciendo esfuerzos decentes de mantenerlos limpios. La primera tienda se ubica en León, Nicaragua. Walmart ha prometido construir 4 más Maxi Pali en Nicaragua antes que termine el año 2011 en Rivas, Masaya, Estelí y Managua.

Walmart de Centroamérica inauguró recientemente la primera de 5 nuevas tiendas con el concepto combinado de una bodega y un supermercado con precios bajos. Incluye lo acostumbrado de Palí como abarrotes, carne, fruta y verduras y agrega ropa, electrodomésticos, equipo de 'camping', artículos ferreteros, y un banco (Banpro tiene una sucursal dentro de la tienda) y una que otra conveniencia. Hay buen aire acondicionado y baños para el público. Al parecer están haciendo esfuerzos decentes de mantenerlos limpios. La primera tienda se ubica en León, Nicaragua. Walmart ha prometido construir 4 más Maxi Pali en Nicaragua antes que termine el año 2011 en Rivas, Masaya, Estelí y Managua.
Posted by Editorial Team
on 8:41 p.m.
domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011
San Cristobal volcano - Chinandega, Nicaragua
The San Cristobal volcano is the tallest active volcano in Nicaragua (5725 feet above sea level). It's crater measures some 1,640 feet wide. It's a beautiful site from afar because of its almost perfect symetry. With San Cristobal being only one in a long chain of volcanos, Nicaragua is fittingly names "the land of lakes and volcanos".
El volcán San Cristobal es el más alto de los volcanes activos de Nicaragua, subiendo a una altura de unos 1745 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Su crater mide unos 500 metros de ancho. Desde lejos se mira su casi perfecta simetría, realmente bello e inspirador. San Cristobal forma parte de una cadena de muchos volcanes en Nicaragua. De allí su nombre: "la tierra de lagos y volcanes."
El volcán San Cristobal es el más alto de los volcanes activos de Nicaragua, subiendo a una altura de unos 1745 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Su crater mide unos 500 metros de ancho. Desde lejos se mira su casi perfecta simetría, realmente bello e inspirador. San Cristobal forma parte de una cadena de muchos volcanes en Nicaragua. De allí su nombre: "la tierra de lagos y volcanes."
Hauling wood the old way<...>jalando madera a lo viejo
Hay un aserrío en Chinandega, Nicaragua que todavía trabajo a lo viejo...moviendo este tronco de palo con los bueyes y ese 'artilugio'.
There's a functioning sawmill in Chinandega, Nicaragua that still moves big tree trunks around the old fashioned way.
Hong Kong Chinese restaurant
We were in Chinandega, Nicaragua last week and visited an old favorite: the Hong Kong Chinese restaurant. It's one of two Chinese restaurants in Chinandega (Corona de Oro was the old standby until the owner of this one moved from Honduras to Nicaragua. She brought her brother from China and their business took off!) You can order the large plate of the specialty: chop suey (pronounced 'chok-sii' in Nicaragua) for C$190 ($8.40) and three people can definitely eat off that plate. We ordered another small plate of chow mein (with beef, pork and shrimp) and took about that size of a plate home. Check it out when you are in Chinandega. Tell them The Chele sent you!
Estuvimos en Chinandega, Nicaragua toda la semana pasada y visitamos un favorito: el restaurante chino Hong Kong. Es uno de los restaurantes de comida china en Chinandega (Corona de Oro era la única hasta que llegó la dueña de este vía Honduras a Nicaragua. Trajo a su hermano de la China y se despegó su negocio). Podés pedir el plato grande de chop suey (pronunciado 'chok-sii' en Nicaragua) por C$190 ($8.40) y aguante tres personas. Cometí el error de pedir otra porción pequeña del chow mein (con carne, cerdo y camarón) y tuve que llevarmela a casa. Cuando vas a Chinandega, andá a probar. Deciles que te envió El Chele!~
Dirección: Donde Fue Gallo Y Villa 1/2 c. abajo
Chinandega, Chinandega
Teléfono: 2340-1998
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