
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2012

Delicious chicken dumpling soup

My friend and taxi cab driver from Memorial Sandino, Managua stopped by and brought us this yummy chicken and vegetables dumpling soup, a Nicaraguan tradition.  It's called 'sopa de albóndiga' in case you want to ask for it.  Coupled with some handmade fresh corn tortillas, it was delicious!!!

Here's the recipe in Spanish, if you can follow it:

Alicia Chirip Vega R.I.P.

Taken at the cemetery in San Judas, Managua.  I was particularly intrigued by Alicia's middle name.

sábado, 22 de diciembre de 2012

Shiatsu massage

Do you consider getting a massage a luxury?  I used to.  However, the wide availability of qualified massage therapists in Nicaragua has changed my mind.  I have had great full-body massages from professional therapists in San Juan del Sur, Granada, Masaya and Managua.  In fact, in Managua there is Oriental Medicine Institute where many have studied these different techniques.

Recently I had a few sessions of iridology, acupuncture, reflexology and shiatsu at the Clinica de Medicina Oriental, located in the Altamira area of Managua.  The prices are the following:

45 minute massage - C$250
30 minute foot massage (reflexology diagnosis) - C$250
Iridology diagnosis (without acupuncture - C$190; with acupuncture - C$230)

Doctor Ivan Cisneros takes care of the diagnostics and natural medicine.
Xiomara Negra is the physical therapist that does the massages.

When you have a chance, it is an hour well spent.

Clinica de Medicina Oriental
Altamira D'Este
De donde fue la Farmacia Quinta Ave., 75 vrs arriba
Casa #770

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

The Factory

Ok.  You're in Managua and somebody invites you to The Factory.  Cheesecake Factory in Managua?  No.  It's The Factory, steak and seafood restaurant in the Inter Continental Hotel in the heart of Managua.  So, is it worth it?  Check out the pictures:


The restaurant decor is top notch.   Everything was well planned and nicely decorated in this restaurant.  You can sit inside or outside in the hotel courtyard, close to the pool.  Service is excellent as well: friendly waiters, very attentive to the customers, without going over the top.

I had the imported 16 oz. NY Strip steak with a black pepper sauce (which I soon replaced with the Nicaraguan favorite - chimichurri) with cross cut fries.  My wife chose the jumbo shrimp in butter and garlic sauce with a medley of grilled vegetables.  Presentation and quality were excellent.  The sauces left a little to be desired, in my humble opinion.  As far as the steak goes, 3/4 done seems to be getting rarer and rarer lately although the cut was an inch think so that is to be expected. I only ate half of it...and the waiter gave me a load of that fresh make a really tasty sandwich later!

The Factory is not cheap.  It is one of the nicer restaurants in Managua, Nicaragua at the moment.  Service was great and the food was good.  Great ambiance.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it an 8.5.

Hotel Real Intercontinental Metrocentro 
Managua, Nicaragua
(505) 2276-8989

Check out the prices here.

domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

Los Panzers

Los Panzers is a musical group from San Marcos, Carazo, Nicaragua, popular in the 1960's and 70's.  Led by the voice of Ramón Castro, they played many popular 'summertime songs' (música del verano) that were popular during the time of the year when many Nicaraguans head to the beach (January to April).  Playing both original music and cover versions, they even once opened for the famous group Los Ángeles Negros.  During their time period, they were one of the most popular musical groups in Nicaragua, Central America and beyond.

Check out the hit: Ven a esta playa

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012

Big Baby

I met a 23 month old BIG BABY in Managua.  She is big!!!  Click on the picture.

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

Masaya Volcano in the New York Times

Check out this photo shoot done in Nicaragua with top model Karlie Kloss, with her photographer Ryan McGinley.
Click here

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

El Eskimo

When you hear the word Eskimo, what comes to mind?  Probably the yummy Nicaraguan ice cream right?

Well, the company that makes the yummy Nicaraguan ice cream also has a restaurant in Managua.  There are two parts to it: a diner-style sandwich and salad place and a formal restaurant.  I had always wanted to go to the formal restaurant cause I had heard good things about it...kind of like Los Ranchos or El Churrasco, or so I was told.

It has a very nice ambiance, especially if you go to the formal dining section.  The waiters are well trained and are very attentive.  Our waiter was Erwing and he did his job well.
My wife ordered a fish (corvina) salad.  I decided to really put El Eskimo to the test and ordered their churrasco.  I wasnt disappointed at all...the meat was soft enough to cut with my fork...and the chimichurri was out of this world!!!!  It came with a trip to a small, simple salad bar.  Forget that!  Bring me the meat!  Definitely will go back.  I really enjoyed it!

On a scale of 1 to 10, El Eskimo gets a 9.

Cuando escuchás la palabra Eskimo, ¿qué te viene a la mente?  Probablemente el yummy Nicaraguan ice cream ¿verdad?

Pues la compañía que fabrica el helado cremoso y delicioso Eskimo también tiene un restaurante en Managua.  Hay dos secciones: una tipo diner con sandwich y ensaladas y postres.  También hay un restaurante formal.  Siempre he querido ir al restaurante formal porque he escuchado buenas cosas de él...tipo Los Ranchos o El Churrasco, así decían.

Tiene buen ambiente, especialmente la sección formal del restaurante.  Los meseros son bien entrenados y muy atentos.  El que nos atendió se llama Erwing e hizo un muy buen trabajo.

Mi esposa pidió una ensalada de pescado (corvina).  Decidí ponerles a prueba en El Eskimo.  Pedí su churrasco.  No me arrepenti para carne era tan suave que pude cortarla con mi tenedor...y el chimichurri ¡¡¡¡estuvo fuera de órbito!!!!  Incluía un viaje a una pequeña barra de ensaladas.  Olvidate de la ensalada.  ¡¡¡Traeme la carne!!!  Definitivamente volveré a ir.  ¡¡Me gustó mucho!!

En escala de 1 a 10, El Eskimo recibe un 9.

El Eskimo
De Los Ranchos 1c. al sur, 20 vrs. al este
(505) 2266-1868

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