
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

Refreshing frescos....

Here are some delicious drinks. Click on the picture to enlarge it. The one on the left is made out of milk, sugar and cacao (from the cocoa plant) which is native to the tropical Americas. You can learn more about it here:

The one in the middle is an excellent mixture of bananas, milk and sugar and maybe a drop or two of vanilla.

The third drink is made of flaxseed, lemon, water and sugar. It is very good as well. Read more about flaxseed here:

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sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009

Examine me and put me to the test

This is where I want my laboratory work done....

Aquí es donde quiero que se hagan mis exámenes....

Umm umm quesillo

This is an excellent traditional or local food here in Nicaragua, particular in the milk producing regions of the country. It's basically like string cheese but flattened like a crepe. On top of that goes a wonderful mixture of salt, onions and vinegar, and finally, delicious sweet cream on top. Wash that down with a 1/2 liter bottle of Pepsi and you...are good to go!!!!

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

Pink Chickens

Don't ask me HOW or WHY these things are this way but I saw these chickens in the street in El Realejo, Chinandega. Somebody has gotten quite creative....

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

Rough life....


Unfortunately there are people really on the down and out here in Nicaragua. This young man roams the streets of Chichigalpa, evidently addicted to shoe glue (one of the cheapest stupefactors available in Nicaragua). Many people like these are in need of help....
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sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009

Pigs and mangos

These pigs went hog wild over these mangos...and I can understand why! There's even a dog in there!!!



Anybody for a nice tall glass of lemonade? You won't need too many of these to do it....mmmm!!!!
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viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009


Crocs are such a popular shoe that they have even made it to the Chinandega, Nicaragua area. Specifically in Cosmapa, I saw this young lad proudly sporting a pair. Now, beware! The possibility of them being a Croc knockoff copy does exist. I was not able to confirm the authenticity of the shoes. Can anyone help me with that?


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miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009


Here's Ashlee, Kimmy, Eunice and Aaron - our friends.
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Heads up!!!

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That is cool!!!

Hey, the rainy season has kicked in but that doesn't mean it has cooled down. These guys have the right idea...this is a Pellizco WhirlPool Cooltub. Come on in...the water is just fine!!!!
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Kimmy went 7 seconds on this wild mustang in Corinto, Chinandega. Earlier in the year, this horse was seen in the Corinto central park, being ridden by fearless Nicaraguan children for 5 córdobas (about $0.25) a round. Looks like Kimmy tamed this wild one though...might be out to pasture for a while.
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It has been raining in Chinandega...finally!!! There is a saying in Nicaragua that when the suns out and it's raining, "están pagando los tramposos." Hey, we'll take the liquid any way it falls!
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Ride horsey ride

I found these kids in Mocorón playing a local version of what I would call "Cowboys and Indians". Note their homemade costumes and local rides....
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Hungry kids....

Do not get in this kid's way...he's hungry!!!!

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

Isletas de Granada videos

Here's some video shots of the small volcanic islands in Lake Cocibolca. Check out the monkeys!!!

Not a good day...

Saw this on the highway. I guess it speaks for itself....
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Isletas in Granada

We took a little hour long boat ride on Lake Cocibolca, the largest lake in Central America. It is the 21st biggest lake in the world with an average depth of 85 ft.

Lake Cocibolca was once romped by British pirates, having made their way upstream in the San Juan river. The lake drains east to the Caribbean side of Nicaragua, although the Pacific Ocean is seen from the tops of nearby volcanoes.

Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) is said to have traveled this route by means of Lake Cocibolca on his way to California Gold Rush in the 19th century.

This fresh water lake is unique in that it has sharks - the Lake Nicaraguan Shark is able to jump along the rapids of the San Juan River and enter the freshwater lake, which is shares as it's habitat.

There are monkeys to be seen on the little trek as well, actually live on small islands in Lake Cocibolca.

Hold your horses...I'll put a video or two up a little later....if you really want to see them.
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Hot, hot, hot

Did you see how hot it is in Chinandega? Check out the temperature at the bottom of this page. Here's a great way to cool down...looks great huh?

Click on the pix to enlarge them. They are great!
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viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

Full service busses

When you have the pleasure of traveling on an old yellow school bus here in Nicaragua, you can have many needs catered too on the bus. Wanna banana? Hold they come. Oh, you want fried chicken, here comes the girl. Wash it down with water or a coke? OK. No problem. You can even buy medicine that cures just about anything (or so says the man).

Enjoy this little video....of a few seconds on the bus, waiting for takeoff....
This is one of my favorites here in Chinandega: an On the Run coffee and a pineapple strudel. The coffee will set you back $0.70 and the strudel another $0.60. Nice on sunny, headache days and also on cool rainy days!!!!!
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lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

I'm tired and outta here....

Volcano in MASAYA

We went to the Masaya volcano today. It's an interesting place where, for $4 a tourist ($1.50 for me), you will get closer to danger than you ever could in a "civilized" place. Very interesting. For more information, check this out:

There is a sign that says that all vehicles should be parked backwards facing out...and now you know why!!! Run!!!! Run!!!!!

How's the weather in Nicaragua????

Is that really snow on the ground? No it is not. It is a salt farm.

Fresh from these salt pools to your table....WONDERFUL!!!

Pizza Hut?????

If somebody invites you to "Pizza Hut" while you are in Chinandega, don't get your hopes up. More than a few persons have been fooled into thinking that the U.S. chain's delicacies would be served up while in Pinolero-land, perhaps mitigating the desires of homeland goodness (to a very limited degree, albeit).

What you will really be getting is "Pizza Hot" - a local alternative that plans to take on it's giant U.S. counterpart.
Exactly what kind of pizza is served up at "Pizza Hot"? Will this modern day David be able to slay his Goliath-like pizza counterpart? That, my friends, is all up to you. When in Chinandega, do stop by and sample the hot pizza at "Pizza Hot".

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