
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2009

City dog-country dog/Perro normal-perro índio

These two dogs are representative of an interesting characteristic here in Nicaragua. The dog is a city dog. When he lays down, he keeps his paws open like he has them. He will never cross them. The dog on the right is a country dog. When he sits or lays down, he always crosses his paws. A long time ago I asked somebody about the paw crossing dogs and they told me that they are Indian dogs (like saying they are from the country). I have since confirmed that with many a dog. It's one or the other - depending on how he has his paws. It's true!!!

Estos dos perros respresentan una característica interesante de los caninos aquí en Nicaragua. El perro a la izquierda es un perro normal. Cuando se echa él siempre tiene las patas separadas, como en la foto. El perro a la derecha es un "perro índio". Cuando se echa él siempre tiene las patas cruzadas. Hace much tiempo yo pregunté sobre esto y no solo una persona me ha afirmado que es así: perro índio. O es uno o es otro - todo depende de cómo pone sus patas. ¡¡¡Es la verdad!!!
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