We went to eat at Nectar with Kathy Seff this evening. The company was good! Nectar is located on the Calle La Calzada, about 1 1/2 blocks east of Central Park. It's the second time I've been here so I was moved to write about it. From 4-7 p.m. they have a happy hour (supposedly they 'double' the drinks). You can see some tall Mojitos in the picture (about C$50 - $2.40 each). Apparently they double them with water because they were quite weak. I would have settled for one decent one instead of the happy hour trick. Anyways....I ordered the lemon chicken fingers. They were good, served with potatos as seen in the pix. That there order cost C$80 ($3.80). One a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give Nectar a 6. It is ok but nothing that I'd get a hankering for....sorry all you Nectarites!
Hoy fuimos a comer en Nectar con Kathy Seff. Buena compañía! Nectar está ubicado en Calle La Calzada, 1 1/2 cuadras al este del parque central. Es la segunda vez que he ido así que me animé a escribir algo sobre el lugar. Tienen su 'happy hour' de las 4 p.m. hasta las 7 p.m (supuestamente echan tragos dobles a las bebidas). Allí mirás unos mojitos en las fotos (C$50 - $2.40 cada uno). Por lo visto echan doble de agua porque las bebidas estaban bien aguadas....Mejor me hubieran dado una buena (pero de verdad) en vez de tal truco 'happy hour'. Ni modo...pedí los dedos de pollo al limón. Estaban buenos, servidos con papas como se mira en la foto. Cuesta C$80 ($3.80). De 1 a 10, le doy a Nectar un 6. Es aceptable la comida y servicio pero no creo que me den 'ganas' de volver...lamento decirlo a todos ustedes Nectaritos!!!!

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