
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

El Eskimo

Some places just know how to get it right, you know what I mean?  Well, it's official.  My favorite restaurante in Managua, Nicaragua is El Eskimo.  Sorry Restaurante Azul.  I haven't visited you as much as El Eskimo.  I will work on that in the future.

I've gone to eat at El Eskimo 4 or 5 times.  And this place just keeps growing on me.  They don't do anything wrong...let me explain.  

It's not the newest restaurant by far.  In fact, it's decor is probably from the 60's or early 70's, Managua's golden years.  However, the maintenance is impeccable.  Quality all around.  The bathrooms smell cleaner than a swimming pool (a pool early in the day, that is).  The waiters are very attentive.  The food is really excellent!  There is a mini salad bar that comes with your entree.  It's small but tasty and the dill dressing is too die for!  The fresh baked bread is soft and sweet, accentuated with the premium Eskimo butter on it.  The plates are simple.  I had garlic shrimp this time...I'm getting hungry just writing about them and that devilish butter garlic sauce they were swimming in.  I told you before that the churrasco is really good.  Well the shrimp are just as good.  Now I don't know what to order next time...probably will be eyeing the Italian shrimp....

To top it off, a waiter named Bayardo (an aquaintance) brought us over the clown sundae, courtesy of the house (or of him).  It came in good shape...but the eyes slid down as we talked.

1 to 10: I am going to give it a 10 cause it's my favorite!  All others will be judged by El Eskimos's time proven standards.

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Best of both worlds

This is what I call the best of both worlds: a wonderful fusion of Mountain Dew and 18 year old fine, brandy-esque Flor de Caña sugar cane rum.  Do you agree?

Some would say that it's a sin to mix the 18 year old rum...I can't disagree with them.  It's smooth sippin' and you might just want to leave the Mountain Dew in the fridge...or save it for the 5 year batch....
Retro-themed design on a 12-ounce can of Mount...
Retro-themed design on a 12-ounce can of Mountain Dew Throwback from 2010. Current cans no longer say "limited time only". (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Cocoa ice cream treat

This week our friends at Eskimo decided to put their Paleta de Cocoa on sale for $0.20. It's basically a fudgesicle (remember those) but a lot cheaper.

These were served with a friendly smile at the Eskimo on the NW corner of Central Park in Chinandega, Nicaragua.

We need to gulp a few of these down daily as the temperatures have been in the high 90's.   And as you know, Chinandega, Nicaragua is one of the hottest parts of the country.

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Las Colinas del Sur

Las Colinas is a famous restaurant in Granada, Nicaragua.  Their specialty is the whole guapote fish totally and almost miraculously de-spined.  Oh and man is it good!  The filet-o-fish (guapote too) are really good, especially the breaded ones with the garlic sauce on the side.  It is not big on atmosphere but is so popular that many ex-presidents, Alejandro Fernández and Daniel Ortega have eaten there.  Daniel usually drinks Coca Zero at room temperature.  His wife, Rosario, drinks orange Fanta.  The waiter told me so....

On a scale of 1 to 10, 8 for the fish which is excellent!

Shell Palmira 1c Al Sur 2 1/2c Al Lago Nicaragua, Granada

(505) 25523492 

Click here to see the prices.

Las Isletas in Granada, Nicaragua

Reminiscing on the three years that I lived in Granada, Nicaragua, inevitably I go back as a tourist.  This time it was with a friend from Mexico so we did the 1 hour tour of Las Isletas.  It cost C$450 (negotiated by my Nica wife there at the end of the road in the tourist park at the end of the barrio San Juan del Sur..  The water was shockingly low...I had never seen it so low...but once we were out of the clear (the boat docking area) things were fine.  Testing out a new lense on my Olympus so here you go....

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Sliding Down a Live Volcano in Nicaragua

English: Volcano Surfing / Volcano Boarding do...
English: Volcano Surfing / Volcano Boarding down Cerro Negro in Leon, Nicararga (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here's an interesting pastime in the León, Nicaragua area. Are you up to it?

Click HERE for more pictures and the story.

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

The mysterious mounds of Nicaragua

Stone Pages Archaeo News: The mysterious mounds of Nicaragua

Clipped from:

18 May 2013
The mysterious mounds of Nicaragua
National Geographic explorer and archaeologist Alex Geurds is currently in the field investigating a prehistoric, ceremonial center of stone circles in Central Nicaragua.
     Researchers will be working for the next few weeks at the site of Aguas Buenas, located to north of the city of Juigalpa. In that area, stone and earthen mounds are visible at regular intervals. The Central Nicaragua Archaeological Project is an ongoing archaeological investigation to shed light on the prehistory of Nicaragua, in particular its extraordinary indigenous tradition of monumental stone sculptures and its poorly understood ceremonial complexes.
     As part of this, the Aguas Buenas archaeological site holds special interest. Recent explorations of the site have revealed its unequalled architectural characteristics and extraordinary number of mounds, spread out over the hilly Chontales landscape by means of wide concentric semi-circles. Current knowledge of prehistoric monumental architecture in Central America cannot tell us anything specific about why this site looks like it does. Nor is there a significant amount of previous archaeological research in the region to help us out in understanding Aguas Buenas.
     The 2013 field season features students from Leiden University, the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua and the University of Calgary, geared towards completing a GPS mapping of the site and excavating several of the more than 500 mounds. What are these mounds actually? When were they built and how? Do they serve a purpose as individual mounds or rather playing a role in the larger complex of the site itself? These are just some of the questions fuelling the effort to withstand scorching heat, prickly shrubs and the occasional snake and scorpion.
     Standing among the mound, one would never guess the 600-meter diameter semi-circular patterns these mounds clearly follow from an airborne perspective. Researchers determined the mound to be excavated by working on creating an understanding of when distinct sectors of the site may have been built and how comparable the contents of mounds really are.
     The excavation progress can be followed online.
Edited from National Geographic News Watch (13 May 2013)

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

The Diner

On Monday, I took a drive on scenic South Highway (Carretera Sur) in Managua, Nicaragua.  On my way back from El Crucero some evening a few months ago, I had seen what seemed to be an old fashioned style diner...and I found it again!  It's located at km. 8.5 Carretera Sur in the Centro Comercial La Liga. 

As you can see, the decor is that of a 50's diner, complete with the old Cadillac, actually a 1961 Fleetwood Seventy-Five (or the back end of it).  You will be swooned with oldies in the background and, as was the case at lunch time on Monday, a really loud bunch of people waiting for their food.

Service was good.  José Luís was very attentive.  The owner shows interest in her clients as well and speaks both English and Spanish.  The best part, however, was the food.  Can you believe that bunless hamburger in the picture? (Click on the picture to enlarge).  It's called the Light.  I was like: "This doesn't belong here.  This looks like something from Restaurante Azul at Hotel Contempo in Managua".  It was absolutely beautiful... a hamburger!  I ate the Classic (the other picture), which, as you can tell, is not made with common hamburger.  Tasted like ground steak, char-broiled to perfection (6 oz. of meat claims the menu).  I almost ordered a second one (but I'm on a diet).

Now, do I top it off with a milkshake or apple pie a la mode?  Since my wife loves apple pie, apple pie it was.  Delicious!!!  And she's pretty picky about her apple pie....

The Diner is a winner.  The only thing I would like to figure out is when there are less people inside - it got real noisy.  But, I guess that's what diners are all about huh?

On a scale of 1 to 10, I give The Diner an 8 (excellent quality and preparation of the food won me over).

For prices, click here.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Madre quesillo

Although it wasn't a trip to La Paz Centro or Nagarote, Nicaragua, nontheless I was able to buy a quesillo.  Got it at Plaza Inter, a shopping mall in downtown Managua.  And, of all quesillos, it was a Madre Quesillo -  both a traditional quesillo and a trenza (braid) quesillo, wrapped in a corn tortilla and smothered with onions in lime sauce and buttery sour cream.  Yummy!

the quesillo, and tiste and cacao to drink - N...
the quesillo, and tiste and cacao to drink - Nagarote, Nicaragua (Photo credit: dane brian)

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